Making insight intelligent for ABM

The complete guide to sourcing, building and leveraging insight into your ABM program

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Insight is the difference between what makes ABM truly distinct from just ‘marketing to accounts.’ In truth, it can make or break the success of ABM in even the most mature of programs. But knowing how to extract the right insight at the right time from the sea of data available can often leave marketers feeling overwhelmed. 


Our practical guide, "Making Insight Intelligent", offers best practice advice helping you demystify the effective gathering and use of insight across some of the most common use cases within ABM.

Inside we'll cover:

  • The need, the landscape and the opportunity for insight in 2023
  • How to build an insight-first program
  • How to create the right structure and processes for success, and establish robust measurement
  • The insight you should leverage to drive business outcomes
  • Five typical use cases: examples of the types of insight used to drive tangible outcomes in ABM

“Although insight and data is often driven from a pure data starting point, interpreting and applying the data is still very much a human driven exercise. You can never really count on one vendor to achieve data integrity – you have to crosscheck a number of data sources at all stages of the ABM program."


Kathryn McGinney, Director, Strategic Programs and Demand Generation, Americas

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Paying lip service to insight simply won’t yield the ROI you were hoping for from your ABM campaigns. If you're doing it right you should be able to:
  • Have an up-to-date understanding of the decision makers in your key accounts
  • Know what content your target accounts will care about 
  • Engage customers in relevant, contextual ways
  • Keep on top of movements and changes within the market, customers and competitors

Download our guide and we'll show you how to drive these outcomes and more with insight.